Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This is my blog so i can complain about my "little" business. I give the full copyright to everyone because I love having as many pictures as I can and I am sure everyone does too but don't sit there and tell me you want to do business with me and then go right around and not want a thing to do with me as soon as I give you the cd. Let me know what you think, It always help to get input. Don't ask me to take pictures and tell me your going to pay me "later" and then never pay me. That has already happened once. Don't tell me you would love me to do the invitations and then when I send you a sample you turn around and have someone else make then almost exactly how I made them. And don't LIE to my face and tell me you don't want pictures and then go and have someone else do them for you. I do find out when you post them on facebook. Just tell me the truth its rude-ER to say you don't want them, then too say I would like someone else to take them. I would like honestly. I am honest with everything I do in this little business... These are a few thing that make me want to throw in the towel and call it quits. But I am sure this is a beginning of what I am in for... Thanks for letting me vent.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your frustrations. I can only imagine. It really is too bad that people have to act the way they do sometimes. But don't you dare call it quits. You are too good at what you do. EVERYONE I've showed my pictures to asks first of all who did them and then they comment on how good you are. You made my family look awesome and that's not easy with non-photogenic me in the pictures. :D So hang in there. Keep loving what you do and things will all work out. Maybe you should ask for a deposit before you start a photo shoot. That might make for more of a commitment on the end of those being photographed. Just a suggestion. Have a great day!! ~~Sheri
